

不吃馒头争蒸口汽对应英文:Don't eat Steamed buns for steaming and outlet

对应英文:This is a tool based on Google Translator !

不蒸馒头争口气 为了买蒸笼连孩子都卖了可见其穷,所以只能蒸气因为没有面。对应英文:Not Steamed buns steamed steamer Zhengkou Qi to buy even children sold the poor, so only steam because no face.

你这件事办不好, 别人对你说,不蒸馒头,争口气 意思就是,别人越说你做不好, 你就越要做好,! 哥们,咱不蒸馒头,争口气,行么 你就不能让他们对你另眼相看么对应英文:You do this thing is not good, someone says to you, not steamed Steamed buns, Zhengkou Qi means, more people say that you can't do it well, you more want to do a good job, buddy, I don't! Steamed buns steamed, Zhengkou Qi, for you will not let them to you with special respect

这只是勉励人要争口气的地方俗语,没什么好研究的对应英文:This is encouraged people to fight for breath place saying, not what good research

正确不蒸馒头 争口气对应英文:The right not Steamed buns steamed for breath

就是说一个人要有骨气,情愿不要人家施舍的馒头,也要争口气。对应英文:That is to say a person to have integrity, willing to don't give Steamed buns, but also to fight for breath.

都一样 都是一个意思 这馒头与包子并不是真的说是馒头 这只不过是个比喻对应英文:The same is a meaning which Steamed buns and dumplings are not really say it's just a figure of speech Steamed buns

不蒸馒头--------------蒸(争)口气 一个利用谐音的歇后语而已对应英文:Not Steamed buns steamed steamed - (for) tone a using homophonic Xiehouyu

不是出气, 是不管在什么情况下,兜不要掉底子,就是不要丢脸,你知道吧, 要争口气,对应英文:Air is not, no matter under what circumstances, Dou not fall foundation, is not to lose face, you know, to fight for breath,

吥蒸馒头蒸ロ芞对应英文:I Steamed buns steamed steamed as Qi


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